The B.E. Suite Onboarding for Learning Partners

Welcome to The B.E. Suite. We are so excited to have you as a learning partner at The B.E. Suite. Through your expertise and teaching, we know that all class participants will walk away with a healthier way of doing life. We believe that they will obtain life skills and healthy habits through this learning partnership. It’s time to onboard you to our website and get all the necessary information so that incoming students can learn about what you will offer at our location.

Please send the required information below to:

Onboarding Information Needed

  1. Business Logo

  2. Your Headshot

  3. A 3-4 sentence description of your business

  4. A 4-6 sentence description about the class you will be offering and what students will walk away with

  5. Your Instagram and Facebook links (Please provide direct links and not just your handle)

Learning Partner Brand Guidelines (Coming Soon)

Marketing and advertising make what we do come to life and allow our classes to be successful. In order to have brand clarity and harmony through our marketing channels, we ask that flyers and graphics come through our marketing team for classes and events. Below you will find the correct verbiage to use when announcing your upcoming classes on social media, through email marketing, ect.