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New Community Fridge!
Located Inside @ The Walnut Street YMCA
Elated to celebrate the ribbon cutting for our first community refrigerator! In continuation of my father's legacy, our mission is to provide awareness and access to nutritious foods by way of urban gardens and community refrigerators.
Thank you to our amazing family, who always shows up! Our incredible Board of Directors for your tireless contributions to DUG and the community at large! Also, sending a special thank you to our incredible partners @amerihealthcaritasde & @ymcade. Looking forward to our meaningful work ahead.
About Us
Affectionately known as DUG - Delaware Urban Greens is a 501 (c) 3 organization set out to build strong communities through sustainability initiatives and empowering families and individuals impacted by social determinants of health.
Our Slogan
Growing today to feed us tomorrow.
Our Mission
Delaware Urban Greens is dedicated to reducing local food insecurities by empowering individuals and families affected by social determinants of health. We achieve this through sustainability practices, providing access to fresh and organic produce, and offering comprehensive programs in health and wellness, educational workshops, workforce development, mentorships, and community engagement.
Our Why
My father, Frederick N. Wilson, affectionately known as Pops was very instrumental in my life and the life of my siblings. He exemplified the meaning of community; always over-reaching to ensure everyone’s basic needs were met. Pops championed workforce readiness for individuals in underserved communities. He also led the charge of installing urban gardens and playgrounds throughout his neighborhood in Harlem, NY. Combining his passions, Pops was able to ensure countless individuals had basic skills to enter the workforce while gaining an introductory understanding of agriculture and food sustainability.
The idea of community and service has always been meaningful to my family – the ability to share time, exchange positive energy, space, and resources are gifts that keep on giving. My father passed away from Covid-19 on April 4, 2020. To honor him, and his work, I founded Delaware Urban Greens, a 501 (c) 3 organization in November 2021. I have tremendous shoes to fill but I could not be more thrilled to carry Pops' legacy forward.
Lanice Wilson
Founder & Executive Director